Regarding Henry


Directed by Mike Nichols

Starring Harrison Ford, Annette Bening, Michael Haley
Rating: ******

An aggressive lawyer
Goes out for some smokes,
Sees a robbery,
And get smoked.

The hospital staff
Says he should be dead
Because he had been
Shot in the head.

Henry, the lawyer,
Is unable to speak.
His caretaker tells him
That he’s merely weak.

He wheels him about
Till he can walk by himself.
Then he decides
That he should talk by himself,

So he gives him some eggs
After he loads them with pepper.
Once Henry takes them,
He’ll be off eggs forever.

He tries to say.
His caretaker asks him
To explain.
Henry finally blurts out.
His caretaker smiles.
He got his patient to speak out.

Soon thereafter,
Henry is fine,
And he gets to
Go home this time

To a wife and house
He can’t remember at all,
For a piece of his brain
Was removed from his skull.

He can’t remember
Being a lawyer,
Or meeting any of these
Other lawyers,

But he still goes to work,
And they take him back,
But say unflattering things
Behind his back.

Henry studies
The last case he worked on,
And learns that he
Did something wrong.

A piece of evidence
He failed to disclose
Won them their case,
And that case was closed.

When he mentions this
To his employers,
He learns that he
Was a shady lawyer.

This drama is
An excellent entry.
For Harrison Ford’s
Portrayal of Henry.

We are mesmerized 
By the very first frame
And wish we could 
Experience it again.

It gets a five.
It does, indeed.
Watch it and you
Might be pleased.

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