Terminator Salvation


Directed by McG

Starring Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Anton Yelchin
Rating: ******

Arnie isn’t in this one,
Except for a very brief insertion
Of his likeness into a scene.
Otherwise, Arnie was desertin’.

He was Governor at the time,
So new characters were needed.
Sam Worthington had a major role,
As a man who got defeated

And was made into a cyborg.
I can’t remember why,
But in this film he played
A pretty good guy.
John Connor doesn’t trust him,
Nor any complex machine,
For they’ve taken over the world,
And they’re mechanical and mean.

John is a survivor
Of the three billion people purge
That happened in the nineties
After all the nukes had surged

Into the sky all at once,
And wiped many people out.
The machines were responsible.
Now the survivors had better look out.

The machines built complex androids
To hunt down all the people.
John Connor’s small army
Is filled with useful people,

Men used to surviving
No matter what’s in their path.
His friend Kyle Reese, for instance,
Who has no better half,

Is resourceful to a T,
Making sure to do his part.
This entire film
Is loaded with heart.

This is the first Terminator movie
To take place during the war.
We get a glimpse of what it’s like
To constantly be at war

With unfeeling, menacing robots
Whose only apparent goal
Is to murder every last human being.
Eradication is their goal.

This movie is pretty decent.
Five is what I’m giving.
More Terminator films like this one
Are a reason to keep on living.

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